Ten Things to do Before I Die

In the television show Hot in Cleveland, Melanie wrote a book called A HUNDRED THINGS EVERY WOMAN SHOULD DO BEFORE SHE DIES and it inspired me to write a blog about the ten things I want to accomplish or do before I die.

1) Adopt a child (Notice I said child, instead of baby)

2) Publish a book that ends up on the New York Times Bestseller List

3) Get a makeover, just once

4) Have an author’s weekend with some of my author friends 😉

5) Have a photograph or piece of artwork in a gallery

6) Own a house, with a real office

7) Go to the Bahamas

8) Go on a real shopping spree and spend at least $100

9) See France, Italy, and Greece in one trip


10) Retire to Ireland

What are your top ten?

The College at Brockport’s First Annual Hunger Games

For those of you who do not know the premise of the movie, here is the overview of the novel:

The Hunger Games is a 2008 young adult novel by American writer Suzanne Collins. It is written in the voice of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, where the countries of North America once existed. The Capitol, a highly advanced metropolis, exercises political control over the rest of the nation. The Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged 12–18 from each of the twelve districts surrounding the Capitol are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle to the death.







Last night, 26. October. 2012, The College at Brockport held it’s first annual hunger games event. It was led by the Late Night with Ellsworth crew, who were the game makers, and it lasted about an hour long. 23 tributes, two from each on campus housing and two from the commuters, stood in a line as the crowd cheered for their favorite to win.

When the countdown was at 1, the tributes ran out into the “field” and found a hiding spot to wait out their prey or escape from their predator.

Certain items were strewn about the field, including weapons, a bag of survival gear, and “water tickets”, to help the players “survive”. People started to die quickly, but there were a select few who held out longer than the rest; hunting the others down without losing a step. When the lights were turned off, simulating night time, each player found shelter somewhere so they could survive the night. Those who had glow sticks were the only ones allowed to stay out in the open for the night, plotting their next move. When the lights were turned back on, daytime resumed and so did the hunt. One by one, with the help of the trackers/ mutts, people were slain (figuratively speaking of course) and the game was coming to an end. Only two men remained, fighting teeth and nail for that moment of victory. In the end, it was Tanner Jones who was the last one standing, among the happy cheers of the crowd, claiming the title of the winner of the First Annual Hunger Games at Suny Brockport! Congratulations Tanner!


Review of The Imposter by Tiffany Carmouche

Overview: Nicole moves to Alaska to start a new life. She gets a job as a waitress with her friend to raise money and bring her beautiful little girl to live with her. Escaping an abusive ex-husband, crappy living situation, and shaky financials, she tries to focus on her job and the live she is building for her and Jessica, but she never expected to find Dylan burning a hole inside of her with his sexy smile and unbelieveably perseptive eyes. When she finally finds a place to live, she thinks it’s too good to be true… Turns out, it is.


Please keep in mind that these are constructive criticisms. I am in no way saying that the book is bad or that you shouldn’t read it, I am merely stating my opinion in order to help the author in the future. *Please don’t hate me Tiffany!*


The Imposter is a suspenseful read. When I read it, it made the cold Autumn nights just a tad bit warmer. It was heartfelt, romantic, and intriguing. I found myself needing to know what happened next.

Now, the criticism part.

While this was a great read, I did find it a little difficult to get through. Mainly, it was the use of dialogue. Using words such as, I am instead of I’m all the time made the dialogue a little unbelieveable. For example, “Hey Chris, we are going out on the boat next weekend in Seweard.” To me, at least, this sounds unnatural. Most people would say we’re in stead of we are, but maybe it’s just me and what I am used to. Also, when a group of people are together in this book, the author uses “you all” a lot. Now, I am not criticizing this one, because I do not know how people talk from whereever she is from, but it made it a little difficult to read.

To lighten the mood, I will say that the last 4 or 5 chapters were very suspensful and nerve wrecking. I loved them! You never knew what was coming next. I wasn’t a huge fan of the cliffhanger ending, but I’m really enjoying the way she is making it sort of a contest as to what’s going to happen next.

In reference to the actual author, she is amazing with her fans on Facebook and I imagine she would be even more amazing with them in person. Voting on the cover image for the second installment of this novel is very clever and helps the readers to connect with the story. I hope this helps her and doesn’t make her have any less confidence in herself, because she is very talented and knows how to put the heart into a story. Good luck on your next one Tiffany!










Review of New Deputy in Town by B.J. Daniels


Deputy Sheriff Nick Rogers found out small-town life meant adjusting to two things, gossips and Laney Cavanaugh. And neither was much help in solving a bridal shower murder.

Some days it appeared like everyone in Whitehorse had a secret, including their new lawman. And falling for Laney wasn’t a good way to maintain a low profile. Nick might have been new to Whitehorse, but he wasn’t above getting his hands dirty. Even if everybody in Laney’s family had it in for the victim, and they were fixing for a fight. Wedding bells were always trouble, and, unfortunately, trouble always had a way of hunting Nick down.



The big thing that I can say about this novel is that it was a nice change to see a “hero” with fears. Nick’s struggle with his former best friend was so believably realistic, I felt like I was in that pool with them. I was not expecting the different twists and turns, but with B.J’s books I Was not surprised. Her books are always fantastic, suspenseful, unpredictable, and alluring. B.J has written several amazing books; my favorite being The Cowgirl in Question, and I hope she continues to write as long as possible.


Review of Remember Me by: Laura Moore


A rising star in the modeling world, Margot Radcliffe hasn’t forgotten the hurt that sent her running from Rosewood, the beautiful Virginia horse farm where she was raised. Travis Maher, a ruggedly handsome rebel and gifted horse trainer with a hard-knock past, had once captured Margot’s heart—only to break it.

But when tragedy strikes her family, Margot is forced to set aside her skyrocketing career and return to a place she never expected to see again, where the legs that everyone admires belong to Thoroughbreds, not supermodels. Now Rosewood Farm’s success depends on Margot, and the only person she can count on for help is the very man who so ruthlessly rejected her love all those years ago.

As Margot and Travis enter an uneasy truce to save Rosewood from financial ruin, their wild natures clash and their unresolved passions for each other begin to surge. But can this hard-edged horseman find a way to express his desire for the one woman he’s ever loved before she’s lost to him forever?


OMG! This is one of the best books I have read in a long time! Although it is 391 pages, it is a quick read. It is almost impossible to put it down. Margot and Travis are as opposite as a couple can be, but somehow they fit. They were up and down, back and forth, over and beyond; their relationship woes were so exciting and I was practically biting my nails in anticipation and worry. The horses were as much a part of the story (and the family) as the humans were and I really enjoyed that. I think Margot grew in to a woman right before our eyes (learning to be a guardian and etc). Laura did a great job at telling this story. It was a perfect mixture of reality and every woman’s fantasy. I will definitely be reading more works of art from this author.

Review of Game Over by Taylor Keating

Overview: Video-game designer River Weston is ready to sell her soul to smooth out the glitches in her latest project. When she unwittingly taps into a parallel dimension via cutting-edge technology, a Dark Lord is quick to take her up on her inadvertent offer. Trapped in the world she thought she’d created only for her game, River finds herself in a very real alternate dimension that she must escape from before her soul is forced to unleash evil- upon this dimension and many others.

River’s only ally is the sexy and mysterious Chase Hawkins. A prisoner of the Dark Lord, Hawk is a man adrift- literally. While his body is safe at home under the watchful care of the Guardians’ scientists, his astral- traveling spirit has been enslaved by his people’s worst enemy, the Dark Lord. Clinging desperately to his sense of self, Hawk is determined to turn the tables on his captor before the connection to his body is lost. When beautiful, achingly familiar River enters the picture, he vows he will do everything he can to save her from her bleak fate.

Drawn together by an inescapable force, Hawk and River must wrest her soul from the Dark Lord’s grasp before it’s too late.

(Back Cover Words)

This book started slow and confusing, but once I was into it it was hard to put it down. It is definitely a book that keeps you thinking until the end. There is nothing sensitive about this novel; if you have a sensitive stomach, be careful reading this book. The war ridden world that Taylor Keating created, with werewolves, Fae, Guardians, and more, is so realistic I was almost feeling the danger through my own body.

River Weston was an incredibly strong, intelligent, magical being that I found myself saying, “I wish I was like her.”

Hawk, was another story. He had so many dark secrets and memories, that I wished I could step into the book and sooth his soul. I even cried during a scene toward the end that had to do with him. I can’t reveal the scene, but let’s just say it is hard not to react when a man thinks about his passed daughter.

There were a few errors I noticed, but they were nothing that ruined the story or anything. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and hope everyone picks it up at some point in their lives, because everyone will feel something they need to feel after reading this novel. For example, I now feel that my nightmares are nothing compared to what these characters experience in THE GAME.

Cheddar Cheese Pasta

Have you ever tried Cheddar Cheese on Pasta, instead of Mozzarella? It is delicious! You still have the normal taste of cheese with your pasta, but there is an additional singe of taste that really kicks up the dish. I discovered this little tid bit when I was out of hot sauce. Let me explain… Usually when I make pasta I add some hot sauce to give it a kick, but one day I had no hot sauce and was unaware of it until after my pasta was cooked. I hadn’t planned on putting cheese on the dish, because I knew we had no Mozzarella, but when I noticed the Cheddar in the Refrigerator I decided to take a chance. What a miraculous result I got! It still dances on the tongue every time I eat it. It’s doing the Salsa on my taste buds; each “foot stomp” vibrating through my nerves and sending a sensory message of pleasure to my brain. But, enough about my “pleasures” 😉 . How many of your will dare to try this new twist on a plate of pasta? If you try it, leave a comment about your experience. If you blog about it or post about it on Facebook, please share the link!

Interview of Isabelle Esling

By: Genevieve Scholl


Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow author about herself. Isabelle Esling is a music journalist, writer, and teacher of languages who lives in London, but her dream would be live in Paris. She describes her hobby as “collecting memories on paper”. She says that writing comes to her naturally, which is a real gift, and she started writing as a child illustrating her own stories.

Q: Explain to us what a music journalist actually is.

A: Good question! Being a music journalist for a decade, I do consider myself to be a kind of musical detective. You have to search for new talents, expose skills. You have to go deep into the music and figure out the artist’s intent. So, yes to me a music journalist is a musical detective at first, but also someone who is driven by a passion and who is capable of putting music into words.

Q: Your book is about Eminem, but do you listen to music other than rap? What kind and who is your favorite band or singer in that genre?

A: I am very eclectic. I love rap music and am very much into the Detroit Rap Scene. I love old school rap, including Mc Hammer. I was also raised into classical music and jazz and I love soul music (James Brown is my idol) and blues. I have a preference for black music in general, but I also like artists such as Rod Stewart and Maverick Sabre.

Q: Who, in the music business, would you most like to meet?

A: I’d be interested in meeting Dr. Dre. He impresses me, as a person and as an artist.

Q: Do you read Fiction and if you do who if your favorite author?

A: I write more than I read at the moment, to be very honest, but the book I came across during a Parisian trip was “Le Bonheure du Jour” by Jose Cabanis. Other authors I love are Balzac, Friedrich Schiller, Victor Hugo, Guy de Maupassant, Chamisso, and Heinrich Heine.

It was a pleasure interviewing you Isabelle! Thank you for sharing your secrets with me, and I hope you have a lot of success.

Here are links to anything associated with Isabelle Esling:

The Eminem Blog
I do write for this website on the hip hop section:
Facebook account


Website about my first book:
Website with professional profile-portfolio:

Websites regarding different literary projects:
About my novel in French, Sous le Ciel de Paris
Self help book project:
About an upcoming project, bio of my grandma, in German language:

Review of Savior in the Saddle by Delores Fossen

Overview: Willa has amnesia. During a hostage situation, she fell and went into a coma. She has been in hiding, successfully, on her own for two months. Her motto is, Don’t Trust the Cops. But, when one particular cop shows up at her door and tells her that he is the father of her unborn child, she has no choice but to trust him, because an assassin is after her.

In past reviews, I’ve had a lot of words that were almost the same between each review. While all of those words apply to this novel as well, they are not strong enough to describe it. The only two things I have to say about this book are: 1) I fell in love with Brandon from almost the beginning and 2) When the book was done, I breathed a soft sigh of pleasure. I didn’t wish it wasn’t over, because everything was over and Willa was safe. I didn’t have any part of the book that I didn’t like; it was all fantastic. Delores Fossen is an amazing author and I plan to read everything novel I can by her!

Review of Caught Off Guard by Kira Sinclair

Overview: Anne is in danger, and Blake is determined to protect her. Enough said 🙂


First of all, the background in the novel was beyond average and really pulled me into the story. Second, the characters were amazing. Blake was delicious and honorable, Anne was a spit-fire with secrets, and the other characters just brought the whole thing together. The imagery of this novel really sucked me into the story in almost a literal sense. I felt as if I was experiencing all of the scenes myself and feeling all of the emotions that Anne and Blake were. The relationship between them was strong and almost unbelievable (in a good way). It was the type of relationship we all have dreamt about at some point in our lives; falling in love with your best friend’s brother. Kira Sinclair is an amazing author and has a rare talent of writing so that the reader feels like they are invested in the event- I.E in fear of the bullets flying through the air.
I highly recommend this read.

Grab a delicious drink and a midnight snack and read this book. You won’t be able to put it down… Trust me.