Review of Haunted Lake by Lauralynn Elliot



After losing her best friend in a fire, Rachel Madison rents a cabin on Misty Lake, trying to work through her guilt and sorrow. While there, she meets two men, one good looking and friendly and the other handsome, but scarred. Soon, she realizes that the peace she was trying to find here wasn’t to be, as supernatural events begin to take place. The strange encounters with ghosts at the lake cause Rachel to form a strong bond of friendship with the two men. The three friends move closer and closer to danger as the events unfold to a possible tragic result.

This was a well-written mysterious story about love lost and love gained. I saw vast improvement from the author from the first book she ever published and enjoyed it very much. It had me in tears from the emotion that poured from the pages. Emotion is this author’s strongest quality in her writing. She conveys emotion so clearly and realistically that it is almost impossible to not act like an Empath and fell the emotions at the same time as the characters. Her writing, like a lot of great writers, makes you feel like you ARE the characters, but at the same time aren’t. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it does. This book was gorgeous and is definitely the kind of story that is a classic, but that also never loses it’s unique qualities.


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